Birding around US West Coast

Have been able to do some birding around Los Angeles in 2013 and 2016.

Here are some birds seen around at various locations.

1. House Finch

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
They used to regularly visit in flocks on the maple tree in the front yard for the seeds inside the fruits.

Size : 5 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Seen all over US
Physical description : House finches are small song birds.
Males have rosy-pink throats and rumps and they have brown-streaked wings.
Females are brownish overall but may also have some pale red coloration.
Food : These birds almost exclusively eat grains, seeds, buds and fruits.

2. Lesser Goldfinch

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Similar to the House Finches these too used to visit in small flocks the maple tree but not so regularly.
They used to hang upside down on the fruits which are out of reach from branches.

Size : 4.3 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller
Distribution: Seen all over US
Physical description : Male are bright yellow below with black cap and white patches on the wings. Backs can be glossy black or dull green.
Females have olive backs, dull yellow underparts, and black wings marked by two whitish wingbars.
Food : They feed on seeds and grains.

3. Western Meadowlark

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Seen on a school ground nearby. Mainly seemed to be non-breeding individual

Size : 6.3 inches. American robin size.
Distribution: Mainly western US and central US.
Physical description : The colorful member of blackbird family it displays bright yellow breast crossed by a distinctive, black, V-shaped band.
Food : Mainly foraging on ground for seeds and also insects.

4. Allen's Hummingbird

Science Center, LA, Jan 2013

Science Center, LA, Jan 2013
Science Center, LA, Jan 2013

Science Center, LA, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Dec 2016
Seen most of the times on the tree tops while resting and otherwise hovering over flowers.

Size : 3.5 inches. Much smaller than sparrow.
Distribution: Breeding in south California and fly to central mexico for winter. Some around Los Angeles are resident through-out the year.
Physical description : Coppery and green in color. 
Males flash their brilliant reddish orange throat.  
Females and immatures are bronze-green above with a small patch in center of the throat.
Food : Nectar and small insects in mid air.

5. Yellow Rumped Warbler

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Malibu Beach, Dec 2016
Seen on school ground and a garden nearby. On ground as well as on fences near bushes. Got to see only non-breeding males or females as they were on their wintering grounds.

Size : 5.5 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Breeding way North in canada. Winters around Pacific coast, central America and Mexico. Most common wintering warbler to America.
Physical description : In summer both sexes have smart grey.
In non breeding they are paler brown, with bright yellow rump, yellow on sides.
The western subspecies, Audubon's, has yellow throat while
the eastern subspecies, myrtle, has white throat.
Food : Mainly Insects in summer and fruits and seeds in winter.

6. Black Phoebe

Glendora, Jan 2013
Descanso Garden, Dec 2016
Seen mainly on small bushes nearby and making sallies as it is a flycatcher.

Size : 6.3 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Resident and short distant migrant to west and south-west US.
Physical description : Sooty black body and crispy white belly.
Food : Bees, wasps, flies, grasshoppers.

7. Say's Phoebe

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Horse Thief Canyon, Dec 2016
Similar to Black Phoebe but seen less frequently.

Size : 6.7 inches. Between sparrow and American Robin.
Distribution: Breeding in Alaska, Canada and north western US, migrating to south western US to Mexico.
Physical description : Slender long-tailed flycatcher with flat head but sometimes raise their head feathers into a small peak. Pale brownish grey, cinnamon belly, blackish tail, grey breast.
Food : Mainly insects and make sallies to catch them in mid-air.

8. European Starling

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Seen sitting on wires in city and once saw a big flock with black birds outside the city.

Size : 8 inches. American Robin sized.
Distribution: Through out the United states. Introduced in 1890s.
Physical description : Stocky black birds with short tails, triangular wings, long pointed bills.
Covered in white spots during winter they turn dark and glossy in summer.
Food : They can eat anything but chiefly insects. Sometimes fruits, grains, and even garbage.

9. California Scrub Jay

Monrovia, Jan 2013

Monrovia, Jan 2013
Not seen in city but only during trails in forests.

Size : 11 inches. Between American Robin and crow.
Distribution: Look for the bird in oak woodlands. Resident. Only seen in western US along pacific coastline.
Physical description : Deep azure blue, clean white and soft grey brown underparts, broken by blue necklace. Tail long and floppy. The bill straight and stout.
Food : Mainly insects in summer and nuts and seeds in winter.

10. Northern Mockingbird

Science Center, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Dec 2016
Sitting on top of bushes and making a lot of noise and harass birds that come nearby.

Size : 9 inches. American Robin sized.
Distribution: Resident through out United States.
Physical description : Slender bodied grey brown colored birds. Pale breast and belly. Two white wingbars.  
Food : Mainly insects but switch to fruits in winter.

11. Steller's Jay

Mt Baldy, Jan 2013

Mt Baldy, Jan 2013
Mt Baldy, Jan 2013
Mt Baldy, Jan 2013
Mt Baldy, Jan 2013
Saw in forests mainly foraging on ground for nuts.

Size : 11.7 inches. Between American Robin and crow.
Distribution: Resident through out United States.
Physical description : Very dark jays, lacking white underparts. The head is charcoal black and the body is all blue. Lightest, alsmost shining blue on wings.   
Food : A generalist forager, eats insects, seeds, berries, nuts.

12. Mountain Chickadee

Mt Baldy, Jan 2013

Mt Baldy, Jan 2013
Saw only on a high mountain around snow. Very similar to tits seen in India.

Size : 4.5 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Western United States.
Physical description : Strikingly black and white on head, grey elsewhere. The white stripe over the eye distinguishes Mountain chickadee from others.
Food : Protein rich insects and spiders in summer. In winter seeds of pine.

13. Sharp Shinned Hawk

Science Center, Jan 2013

Science Center, Jan 2013
Saw this immature within the city on a pine tree.

Size : 11 inches. Between American Robin and crow.
Distribution: Winter visitor to all through out United States.
Physical description : Adults slaty blue-grey, with horizontal red-orange bars on breast. Immature are mainly brown with vertical streaks on white underparts.
Food : Small birds.

14. American Kestrel

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Swamy Narayan Temple, Dec 2016
Saw 2 individuals one near the house and other in a parking lot of a mall nearby. Both were seen sitting on a long electric pole.

Size : 9 inches. Between American Robin and crow.
Distribution: Winter visitor to all through out United States.
Physical description : Male rushy above and slaty blue wings and 2 back slashes on the face. 
Female rusty overall with black barrings on wings and back and grey crown.
Immature are mainly brown with vertical streaks on white underparts.
Food : Small birds.

15. Ruby Crowned Kinglet

Glendora, Jan 2013Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013
Seen during a forest trail. There were 2 of them and they were moving very swiftly and always in undergrowth very similar to warbler behavior.

Size : 4 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Dense conifer forests. Breeds across northern North America and moves to south and southwestern United states in winters. Some mountain population just moves to lower elevation.
Behavior: Restless, acrobatic and move quickly through foliage.
Physical description : Olive green birds with prominent white eye ring and white wingbar. This wingbar contrasts with the adjacent black bar. The ruby crown is only occasionally visible.
Food : Spiders and many type of insects.

16. Acorn Woodpecker

Glendora, Jan 2013

Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013

Seen during a forest trail. In pairs sometimes making a lot of noise. Also seen with acorns and once on a tree with lot of holes for acorn storage.

Size : 8 inches. American Robin sized.
Distribution: Live in western oak woodlands in large flocks.
Behavior: They store thousands of acorns by jamming then into specially made holes in trees.
Physical description : Mostly black above with red cap, creamy white face, and black patch around the bill. Females have less red on the crown.
Food : Mainly Acorns but also some others nuts and insects.

17. Red Tailed Hawk

Glendora, Jan 2013

Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013
Horse Thief Canyon, Dec 2016

Most common hawk seen in North America. Seen inside forest as well as along the road during car rides.

Size : 18 inches. Between Crow and Goose.
Distribution: Resident and winter visitors to all of North America.
Behavior: Generally seen soaring in large circles over fields.
Physical description : Rich brown above and pale below, with streaked belly, and on wing underside and dark band. Tail is pale below and cinammon red above.
Food : Mammals like vole, mice, rats, hares and squirrels.

18. Wrentit

Glendora, Jan 2013

Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013

Seemed to be a very shy bird sneaking around in the bush.
Though there were a couple of them it hardly came out and just showed up once.

Size : 5.5 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Coast scrubs and chaparral. Away from coast in thickets along creeks, oak woodlands and dense shrublands. Residents and do not migrate along narrow west coast of United States.
Behavior: Difficult to find as they are deep inside the bush. Male male sometimes come out perched with tail cocked. 
Physical description : Plain browish-grey with paler, slightly streaked, pale pinkish bellies. They have a distinctive pale white eye.
Food : Pick beetles, scale insects, caterpillars. They also stretch their neck to reach fruits and seeds.

19. Turkey Vulture

Glendora, Jan 2013

Seen only once flying past high in the sky while on a trail in a forest.
The typical red bare head was clearly seen through binoculars.

Size : 26 inches. Larger than goose.
Distribution: Resident to long to distant migrants to most of United States.
Behavior: Majestic but unsteady soarers. Seen on ground in large groups around a road kill or dumpsters. 
Physical description : Black from a distance but are dark brown with featherless bare red head and pale bill. The underside of flight wings are paler giving it a two toned appearance as seen in the pic.
Food : Eat carrion(decaying flesh) which they find based on their excellent sense of smell. 

20. Oak Titmouse

Glendora, Jan 2013

Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013

A flock of small birds was making a chit-chat noise in the forest.

Size : 4 inches. Smaller than sparrow.
Distribution: Resident to mainly west California along coast and little inside. Their range coincides with similar looking Juniper titmouse only in North California.
Behavior: Active and constantly moving. 
Physical description : Plain grey-brown bird with a small crest. Stout bill.
Food : Seeds and insects which they glean from bark and foliage.

21. Dark-eyed Junco (Oregon)

Glendora, Jan 2013

Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013
Glendora, Jan 2013

Saw flock hopping on ground under the thick forest canopy.

Size : 6 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Resident to short distance migrants.
Behavior: They hop around at base of trees and bushes looking for fallen seeds.
Physical description : They vary in coloration across region but generally dark grey or brown colored with pink bills. Oregon junco as seen in much of western United States have dark head, warm brown back and rufous flanks.
Food : Primarily seed eaters.

23. Herring Gull

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

These gulls were generally seen in parking lots on electric poles.

Size : 23 inches. Between crow and geese.
Distribution: Migrant to most of the United States especially seen along coast and far south during winters.
Behavior: Patrol open shore lines for scraps. Competitive scavengers, happy to snatch. 
Physical description : Large hefty gulls. Adult light grey blacks, black wingtips, and white head and underparts. In winter, dusky streaks mark their head. Juveniles are mottled brown. 
Food : Prey on marine invertebrates, fish, insects. Also opportunistic scavengers on fish, carrion and trash.

24. Cooper's Hawk

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Seen sitting on a tree silently like any accipiter but it was bigger than earlier seen Sharp-shinned.

Size : 15 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Short to medium distance migrants. Seen almost through out continent United States.
Behavior: Common woodland hawks that tear through the cluttered trees. 
Physical description : Adults are steely blue-grey above and warm reddish bars on underparts and thick dark bands on the tail. Juveniles brown above and streaked on upper breast giving them a hooded look.  
Food : Mainly eat medium sized birds. Common starling, Mourning doves and Rock Pigeons as common targets.

25. Mourning Dove

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Like most doves seen foraging on ground and fly to low branches when disturbed.

Size : 10 inches. American Robin sized.
Distribution: Long distant migrants. Those that breed in the northern most US migrate thousands of miles to south as much as mexico. Those breeding in central move only around few 100 miles.
Behavior: Soft drawn-out call gives them their name. Fly fast on powerful wingbeats.
Physical description : Graceful, slender-tailed, small-headed doves.  Brown to buffy-tan overall with black spot on wings and black bordered wing tips to tail feathers.
Food : 99% they east seeds including cultivated grains. Rarely berries.

26. Plumbeous Vireo

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013
Lark Ellen, Jan 2013

Seen on the Mapple tree in the frontyard searching for insects behind leaves and on bark. Seen with house finches.

Size : 5 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Resident. South and western United States.
Behavior: Moves methodically along the branches, searching for insects. 
Physical description : Small, sturdy songbird with fairly thick, short and slightly hooked bill. Rich grey above, white below, with bold white 'spectacles', the eye-ring and lores. 
Food : Mostly insects, which they take by gleaning and plucking from vegetation.

27. Lincoln's Sparrow

Descanso Garden, Dec 2016

Seen calling inside bushes in a garden.

Size : 5.2 inches. Sparrow sized or smaller.
Distribution: Resident to medium distance migrant to all of United States.
Behavior: Are secretive birds that forage on or near ground. 
Physical description : Streak brown, buffy and grey overall with rusty edges to its wings and tail. Its chest and sides are buff with fine black streaking that fades into white belly. Its crown is striped brown and black with a grey central crown stripe. 
Food : Eat insects such as beetles, flies, caterpillars, etc.

30. Hooded Merganser

Descanso Garden, Dec 2016

Descanso Garden, Dec 2016

The juvenile was seen swimming and hunting in a small stream with mallards. Both of them were seen in a huge botanical garden with many visitors but they were quite used to people.
Beautiful Male and Female were swimming in a big pond with no other occupants. They were quite shy.

Size : 16 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Resident to medium distange migrant to all of United States.
Behavior: They are excellent divers and locate their prey by sight. Male use their crest to display to females during courtship.
Physical description : Small ducks with thin bill and fan-shaped collapsible crest.
Male black above, with white breast and chestnut flanks. Black head has a white patch.
Females and juveniles are grey and brown above with cinnamon tone to the head. 
Food : Acquatic insects, crustaceans, amphibians and vegetation.

29. Mallard

Descanso Garden, Dec 2016

Most common of ducks seen in any park with small pond. This was seen in a small stream in a huge botonical garden along with females and the hooded merganser juvenile.

Size : 20 inches. Between Crow and Geese.
Distribution: Resident through out North America.
Behavior: Dabbling ducks they feed in the water by tipping forward and grazing on underwater plants.
Physical description : Male has dark, irridescent-green head and bright yellow bill.
The grey body sandwiched between brown breast and black rear.
Females and Juveniles are mottled brown with orange-and-brown bills. 
Food : Generalist forager. Seeds and acquatic vegetation. 

31. Nuttall's Woodpecker

Descanso Garden, Dec 2016

Descanso Garden, Dec 2016
Descanso Garden, Dec 2016

Like most woodpecker seen tapping on the bark of a tree but on a low branch while walking in a botanical garden.

Size : 6.5 inches. Between Sparrow and American Robin.
Distribution: Oak woodlands of California through out the year.
Behavior: Pick and pluck insects from the tree crevices in tree trunks.
Physical description : Small woodpecker with a chisel-shaped bill. Black and white stripped.
Males have a red patch on the back of their head. Back has black narrow bars. 
Food : Insects, beetles, beetle larvae, ants, termite.

32. Western Gull

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

A lone gull sitting on the coastal beach next to Pacific coast highway.

Size : 24 inches. Between crow and goose.
Distribution: Along the western coast of United States not seen too much away from coast.
Behavior: Seldom seen far away from the ocean. Forages at sea.
Physical description : Large Gull. Head and underparts white. Back dark slate grey. Legs pink. 
Food : Marine invertebrates and fishes.

33. Snowy Egret

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

A lone egret searching for food within the rocks on the pacific coast.

Size : 22 inches. Between crow and goose.
Distribution: Resident to long-distance migrant. Northern breeding population migrate to south western united states. The eastern population is completely migratory.
Behavior: Wade in shallow water to spear fish and other small aquatic animals.
Physical description : Among the most elegant of egrets. Immaculate white plumage, black bill and legs with brilliant yellow feet. They have a patch of yellow skin at the base of the bill. 
Food : Eat mostly aquatic animals, including fish, frogs.

34. Brown Pelican

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Flying along the pacific coastline.

Size : 45 inches. Greater than goose.
Distribution: Live along sourthern and western sea coasts and are rarely seen inlands.
Behavior: They feed by plunging into the water. In flight, lines of pelicans glide on their broad wings, often surfing updrafts along wave faces or cliffs.
Physical description : Adult brown pelicans are grey-brown birds with yellow head and white necks.
In breeding the back and sides of the neck turn reddish-brown. 
Food : Mostly small fish which are caught by plunging 65feet above water surface.

35. Heermann's Gull

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

A very sooty colored gull was seen swimming in the sea water.

Size : 19 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Breeds in south western United States and moves northwards during non-breeding.
Behavior: Seizes fish close to the surface of the water.
Physical description : Adult dark grey above, grey below, with a white head, black legs, and a red bill with black tip. 
Food : Omnivores. Many kind of marine animals as well as carrion.

36. Surf Scoter

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

A flock of dark colored birds with white patch on head & nape and differently shaped beak were seen swimming in the sea. Its a sea duck. There was 1 female and 3-4 males.

Size : 19 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Nest far north where boreal forest gives way to tundra. And migrate to south on both west and east coast of United States.
Behavior: Rest on water and dive for prey.
Physical description : Black and white patches on the head and a big sloping orange bill is distinctive. Adult male are jet black with orange-black-white bill and females are dark brown with dark grey bills. 
Food : Invertebrate creatures near or on sea floor.

37. Western Grebe

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Peculiar grebe shaped ducks seen swimming in sea far away from coast. Similar to clark's grebe but the black cap on clark's does not extend down to the eye.

Size : 22 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Lakes and ocean coasts of western North America. Breeding birds use freshwater while in non-breeding seen even in oceans. 
Behavior: Almost always seen on water. They are great divers. 
Physical description : Crisp black and white. The head and most of the face is black. The bill is yellow and red eye. 
Food : Eats mainly fish.

38. Marbled Godwit

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016
Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Very long legged bird with beautiful pattern on the back and long upturned bill seen alone on the sea shore.

Size : 17.5 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Breeds in northern priaries and winters along western coast during winter. 
Behavior: Probes into sand or mud with its long bill for aquatic invertebrates. 
Physical description : Barred above and below in breeding season. In non-breeding season unbarred cinnamon-washed underparts. Bicolored bill : black tip with orange at base during breeding and pink at base during non-breeding. 
Food : Aquatic invertebrates, earthworms, insects and small fish.

39. Willet

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

A non-breeding individual seen along the seashore. Reminded me of Common Greenshank but larger in size. 

Size : 14 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Breeds in northern priaries and winters along western coast during winter. 
Behavior: Walk deliberately, pausing to probe for crabs, worms and other prey in sand. 
Physical description : Grey or brown birds. In summer mottled grey, brown and black. In winter they are more consistent grey colored. The legs are bluish grey. 
Food : Aquatic invertebrates, earthworms, insects and small fish.

40. American Golden Plover

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

A small plover with a very beautiful pattern, seen on sea shore. 

Size : 10 inches. Between American Robin and Crow.
Distribution: Breeds in northern priaries and winters along western coast during winter. 
Behavior: Walk deliberately, pausing to probe for crabs, worms and other prey in sand. 
Physical description : Short neck, thick short bill, Golden and black speckled back. Immature with light barring on the chest, sides and flanks and more distinct yellow edges and spots on the feather. 
Food : Aquatic invertebrates, earthworms, insects and small fish.

41. California Towhee

Gelndora, Jan 2013

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Horse Thief Canyon,Dec 2016

Seen calling from bushes and feeding on some seeds while on a forest trail and once at bushes near a beach. 

Size : 8.5 inches. Between Sparrow and American Robin.
Distribution: Live in chappral and other tangled, shrubury. Resident on the souther western coast of California. 
Behavior: Hop or run on the ground but always near bushes. And other wise seen on top of bushes. 
Physical description : Essentially large sparrows, long tail, and thick seed-cracking beak. Uniformly grey colored with rusty patch under the tail and around their bill.  
Food : Seeds from grasses and herbs, supplemented by insects during breeding season.

42. Sanderling

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Along the western coast beaches of California. 

Size : 7.3 inches. American Robin sized.
Distribution: They forage on beaches and mudflats during non-breeding on all coastlines of United States. They breed in arctic tundra.
Behavior:  They gather in loose flocks and probe the sand of wave-washed beaches.
Physical description : In non-breeding they are pale overall, light grey above and white below with blackish mark on soldier. In breeding spangled black, white and rich rufous on head, neck and back.  
Food : Invertebrates and prey hidden under sand. 

43. Ring Billed Gull

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

Sitting alone on the beach. 

Size : 17 inches. Crow sized.
Distribution: Breeds in far north. And migrates along coasts and winters through out southern united states.
Behavior:  Strong, nimble flyers and opportunistic feeders.
Physical description : Adults are clean grey above, with white head, body and tail. The black ring on their bill is the distinguishing from other gull adults. Their black wings are white spotted. They have yellow legs and yellow bills. Non-breeding adults have streaks on their head.  
Food : Feeds on almost anything. Mainly fish, insects, earthworms.

44. Unided Hawk(may be red tailed hawk)

Glendora, Dec 2016

45. Spotted Towhee

Glendora, Jan 2013

Glendora, Dec 2016

46. Costas / Blackchinned Hummingbird

Horse Thief Canyon, Dec 2016

Horse Thief Canyon, Dec 2016

47. California Thrasher

Horse Thief Canyon, Dec 2016

Horse Thief Canyon, Dec 2016

48. White Crowned Sparrow

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016

49. Brewer's Blackbird

Malibu Beach, Dec 2016


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